Here are some things I’ve written recently. For a full list see my CV.

Journal Articles

Mario Atencio, Hazel James-Tohe, David Tsosie, Ally Beasley, S. Grant, and Teresa Seamster. 2022. “Federal Statutes and Environmental Justice in the Navajo Nation: The Case of Fracking in the Greater Chaco Region”. American Journal of Public Health 112, 116_123,

Grant, S.. 2020. “Aggregate Airs: Atmospheres of Oil and Gas in the Greater Chaco”. In Breathing Late Industrialism, a special issue of Engaging Science, Technology, and Society. Edited by Chloe Ahmann and Ali Kenner.

Book Chapters

Grant, S.. 2022. “Chess or Checkers? Fracking in Greater Chaco”. In Rensink, Brenden (Ed). The North American West in the Twenty-First Century. University of Nebraska Press.


Grant, Silas. Patchwork: Land, Law, and Extraction in Greater Chaco. Under Preparation.


MacKellar, A., Klenk, K., B.C.S, B. B., Grant, S., Aylesworth, A., Mines, S., Ellingwood, H.N., & Westwood, A.R. 2023. Queers, closets, and man camps: Setting a foundation to understand the impacts of major infrastructure and natural resource extraction projects on marginalized communities. Prepared for the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada. Westwood Lab, Dalhousie University, Halifax. 64 pp.

Grant, S. 2021. “Oil, Gas, and Helium Operations in the Dineh Bi Keyah Field: Community Concerns and Findings”. Report prepared for Diné C.A.R.E.